Genres: Crossover
A Matter Of Trust by Nomi Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A while ago, the following challenge was posted: "Hopefully, none of you can turn this down. I was thinking of a Carter/Sam (from West Wing--played by Rob Lowe) crossover. The ER gang has to meet Sam and find out about his and Carter's relationship. I don't know how many of you watch West Wing, but Carter/Sam is a yummy combo. Please write a story involving these two." Well, it took me a while, and I didn't _quite_ stick to the challenge, but here is part 1 of my challenge answer.
Categories: Challenges Characters: John Carter, Other-Male
Genres: Crossover
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 13422 Read Count: 68862
Published: August 30, 2004 Updated: August 30, 2004 [Report This]
Summary: An "ER"/"The X-Files" AU story set in the summer of 1999. It is a sequel to "A Shadow In The City" by Cathy Roberts, although it isn't necessary to have read that story in order to follow this one. Written by Melissa and Cathy Roberts.
Categories: Regular Characters: John Carter, Other-Male
Genres: Crossover
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 29693 Read Count: 105192
Published: October 05, 2004 Updated: October 05, 2004 [Report This]
Crossing Over by Susan Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: SPOILERS: ER - Up to "Lockdown", BTVS - Up to "Grave"

LAST EPISODES SEEN: ER - "Lockdown", Season 8 Finale; BTVS - "Grave", Season 6 Finale.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own ER, that's owned by Warner Brothers, Amblin and a load of people with more money than I will ever have. I also don't own Buffy, that's owned by Mutant Enemy,, I would love to own Carter and Spike and use them as the perfect bread for a Susan sandwich.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: First off, although this chapter isn't, this series will be NC-17 for het and slash. this is me, we're talking about, remember? With the cliffhangers on both shows (mainly ER), I've decided to fill in the blanks. For BTVS, Willow, was of course, "saved" (or whatever the term is) in the finale, though she's going through a great deal of grief over Tara's death and her skinning of Warren, and that whole trying to destroy the world thing. Spike has been resouled and is back in Sunnydale but has yet to contact the Scoobies because of the "attempted rape" and a bunch of issues/guilt associated with now having a soul. Giles is still in town, I figure that this episode takes place about a week after "Grave" on the Buffy side of things. For ER, the mysterious disease did in fact turn out to be smallpox, albeit a weakened strain. Everyone in the ER was given the vaccine in time, except for Pratt, who died (I wish!). Hey, he can die, this is my alternate universe, okay, Pratt is dead and Deb mysteriously survived. It's about two weeks after the "outbreak" and things have pretty much returned to normal, or as normal as things at County get. So without further adieu, here's the beginning of what seems like it's going to be a VERY long story.
Categories: Regular Characters: John Carter, Other-Male
Genres: Crossover
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 12356 Read Count: 279192
Published: September 14, 2004 Updated: September 14, 2004 [Report This]
Summary: Set in the same universe as in the "To Dream, Perchance To Love" series, this is a crossover story with "The Man From Uncle"
Categories: Regular Characters: John Carter, Luka Kovac, Other-Male
Genres: Crossover
Warnings: None
Series: To Dream, Perchance To Love
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 17827 Read Count: 95690
Published: September 21, 2004 Updated: September 21, 2004 [Report This]
Summary: Author's Disclaimer: "Emergency!" belongs to Mark VII Productions and
Universal Studios. "ER" belongs to Warner Bros. No copyright
infringement is intended in any way, but this story is strictly
supposed to be fun. I have no knowledge about medical background and
canon “ER” characters. Any errors are strictly mine alone.
Author’s Credits: My special thanks to Cathy R., Mosca, and Beverly M.
from the ERROS Fan Fiction List for answering my questions regarding
the ER show and characters. My thanks to Becky for the beta! :o)
Categories: Regular Characters: Other-Male, Peter Benton
Genres: Crossover
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 9304 Read Count: 8907
Published: October 28, 2004 Updated: October 28, 2004 [Report This]