[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: Summary: John and Dave, both in college, meet in the gay scene.
Despite being warned, and despite Dave's possessive boyfriend, John
takes him home one night. As John and Dave become more involved, and
Dave's boyfriend becomes increasingly more abusive, things slowly
begin to unravel until everything finally just falls apart.

Author's Notes: This fic is really dark. And lots of bad things
happen. So please don't be offended by anything, because you've been
warned. Also, I know nothing of Carter's educational background,
although I know it's been mentioned on the show. For the sake of this
story, he goes to a school in Chicago; I purposefully don't say which
one. And, of course, "Peter" is a shout-out to Cathy.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: Regular Characters: Dave Malucci, John Carter, Other-Male
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 5627 Read: 73239
Published: October 28, 2004 Updated: February 23, 2008

1. Chapter One by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (900 words)

2. Chapter Two by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (541 words)

3. Chapter Three by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1529 words)

4. Chapter Four by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1577 words)

5. Chapter 5 by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1080 words)