[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: It's a slashy A/U story about how Season 8 might have been and contains no spoilers for the current season. By MonaCK and Cathy Roberts
Rated: NC-17
Categories: Regular Characters: Dave Malucci, John Carter, Luka Kovac, Other-Female, Other-Male
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: No
Word count: 177069 Read: 1375579
Published: August 30, 2004 Updated: September 10, 2007

1. Prologue, Part 1 by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (8359 words)

2. Prologue, Part 2 by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (9754 words)

3. Chapter One by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4460 words)

4. Chapter Two by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6078 words)

5. Chapter Three by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5421 words)

6. Chapter Four by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5136 words)

7. Chapter Five by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5096 words)

8. Chapter Six by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4401 words)

9. Chapter Seven by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4920 words)

10. Chapter Eight by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4105 words)

11. Chapter Nine by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6558 words)

12. Chapter Ten by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6375 words)

13. Chapter Eleven by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5193 words)

14. Chapter Twlelve by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6259 words)

15. Chapter Thirteen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6424 words)

16. Chapter Fourteen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4552 words)

17. Chapter Fifteen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6839 words)

18. Chapter Sixteen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5469 words)

19. Chapter Seventeen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5367 words)

20. Chapter Eighteen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4529 words)

21. Chapter Nineteen by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4700 words)

22. Chapter Twenty by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5378 words)

23. Chapter Twenty-One by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (3642 words)

24. Chapter Twenty-Two by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (4550 words)

25. Chapter Twenty-Three by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (7091 words)

26. Chapter Twenty-Four by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5880 words)

27. Chapter Twenty-Five by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5103 words)

28. Chapter Twenty-Six by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6708 words)

29. Chapter Twenty-Seven by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (5233 words)

30. Chapter Twenty-Eight by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6609 words)

31. Chapter Twenty-Nine by MonaCK [Reviews - 0] (6880 words)