season six.
Author's Notes: So.. you all remember that story? "The Boy Behind the
Counter"? Well, this is the sequel to that. I didn't expect one
either, but once I got this idea in my head, I couldn't get it out.
The story's not nearly finished, but I have a couple chapters and I
couldn't wait to post. Enjoy.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: Regular Characters: Dave Malucci, John Carter
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No
Word count: 11502 Read: 317487
Published: August 28, 2004 Updated: October 03, 2004
1. Prologue by The She Devil [Reviews - 1] (658 words)
2. Chapter One by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (598 words)
3. Chapter Two by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (850 words)
4. Chapter Three by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (734 words)
5. Chapter Four by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1253 words)
6. Chapter Five by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (954 words)
7. Chapter Six by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (879 words)
8. Chapter Seven by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (765 words)
9. Chapter Eight by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1080 words)
10. Chapter Nine by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1384 words)
11. Chapter Ten by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (1003 words)
12. Chapter Eleven by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (479 words)
13. Chapter Twelve by The She Devil [Reviews - 0] (865 words)