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"They're CURED?!?!" A cloaked figure spat angrily.

"Cured and over it. completely." A small brown demon confirmed. He
stood huddled next to another small demon in a large dark room that held a
cauldron, some weapons, and not much else.

"How can this be? It was supposed to be lethal!" The figure fumed as
it began to pace back and forth. "They should ALL be dead by now!"

"I'm telling you what we saw" The second demon spoke up. "One was
killed, the rest lived."

"That can't be right. there must be something. a SPELL!" The figure
raged, grabbing one of the demons and throwing him against the wall.

The demon whimpered with the force of impact. "I didn't do it!" He

"No, YOU wouldn't be able to tie your own shoes if I wasn't around
to make sure you didn't tie your shoes together." The figure spat.

The figure started to slowly pace and muttered. "I'll find the


"So you're telling me, you don't have ANY power left, Willow?" Giles
said, seated in the Magic Box and surveying Willows attempts to zap various

"Nope, I'm drained." Willow said with a sigh, as she unsuccessfully
tried to close a book.

"Well, this might just be me, but that's a relief." Xander replied,
clearly disturbed by the memory of Willow on the cliff.

"Guess I'm back to yellow crayon girl." Willow said, trying to mask
her disappointment.

"But we love yellow crayon girl." Buffy replied, putting her arms
around her friend.

"At least yellow crayon girl can't destroy my store." Anya said,
picking her way through the ruins of The Magic Box, "Though it'd be nice if you
could like zap things better."

The group stopped to give her an assortment of glares and odd looks.

"What?" Anya protested "Every day that we're closed, we're losing

"God, Anya." Xander said frustrated and rolled his eyes.

"Well, Anya is right, the damage is extensive" Giles reluctantly
agreed, stooping to pick up a piece of a broken bookshelf.

"Damage schmage." Xander said, standing and putting a hand on
Willow's shoulder. "Could be worse."

"Yeah, it could be the end of the world" Willow noted sadly, looking

A ringing sound interrupted everyone then.

"Is that the phone?" Xander asked with a confused look.

"Ooo! Can I get it?" Dawn asked excitedly, thrilled to finally be
allowed to be at The Magic Box with the grownups.

"Uh, if you can FIND it." Buffy replied, slowly making her way
through the rubble trying to find where the phone was.

"Found it!" Dawn exclaimed excitedly, putting the most professional
tone she could muster she said into the receiver. "Magic Box, may I help you?
Oh, yeah, he's right here."

She held the phone out to Giles. "It's for you" She said, the disappointment
clear in her voice.

"Who were you expecting it to be Dawnie, got a boyfriend?" Xander teased.

"No." Dawn said, flushing bright red.

"Uh oh, I think she's got a boyfriend. What do you think, Will?" Xander turned
to Willow, who was sitting off to the side looking lost.

"Huh? Whatever" Willow murmured.

Before Xander could say anything to Willow, Anya jumped into the conversation.

"Dawn, it's not worth it to date, men just hurt you." She said with a pointed
glance at Xander. Lowering her voice, she whispered to Dawn. "If you want
vengeance, you know what to do."

"No vengeance spells, Anya" Buffy warned, rolling her eyes.

"Not after what happened last time." Dawn added with a shudder.

"You know, one little wish."Anya began.

"NO!" The rest of the Scoobies called back.

"Oh my" Giles said hanging up the phone.

"Problem, Giles?" Buffy asked.

"That was the coven, apparently they've sensed something going wrong, very
wrong." Giles replied, taking off his glasses and rubbing his head.

"Uh, I haven't noticed anything." Buffy replied, confused.

"No, not here." Giles replied.

"NOT at the Hellmouth? Isn't this like the center for everything bad?" Xander
asked incredulous.

"Where then?" Willow asked quietly.

"Chicago" Giles replied.

"Chicago? What's going on in Chicago?" Dawn spoke up.

"Whatever it is, we have to go." Buffy decided.

"With the store a mess?" Anya said disdainfully.

"It's not like you can open for business, An." Xander muttered.

"I'll get a flight for us." Giles said, picking up the phone.

"Chicago, isn't it cold there? And on fire?" Dawn asked worriedly.

"It's not on fire NOW, Dawnie." Buffy replied.

"And it's summer" Anya added.

"Yes, I'll need six tickets on the first flight to Chicago." Giles said into the

"Uh, better make it five." Anya corrected.

"What? I thought I got to come along now!!!" Dawn whined. "I don't want to be
left at home all by myself!"

"No, I don't need to fly. Vengeance Demon, remember?" Anya said sheepishly.

"We're flying." Giles stated, "All of us."

Ten minutes later all left the wrecked Magic Box in order to pack and meet up at
the Sunnydale Airport.

Spike stepped out from behind a pile of rubble.

"Chicago, huh? Well, they say it's a "toddling" town, whatever bloody hell that
means." He paused to light his cigarette. "Willow's powerless, Tara's gone,
they're going need some help, guess I better go along."
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