[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: This story is set to intertwine with events starting in season 8. It starts off being written solely by John Ross, but as of chapter 7 onward, it is written by John Ross and Simplyshelly.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: Regular Characters: Dave Malucci, John Carter
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No
Word count: 66592 Read: 402995
Published: August 27, 2004 Updated: August 27, 2004

1. Chapter One - Four Corners by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (1762 words)

2. Chapter Two - The Longer You Stay by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (3104 words)

3. Chapter Three - Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (4285 words)

4. Chapter Four - Never Say Never by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (2148 words)

5. Chapter Five - Start All Over Again by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (3334 words)

6. Chapter Six - Supplies And Demands by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (3676 words)

7. Chapter Seven - If I Should Fall From Grace by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (2941 words)

8. Chapter Eight - Partly Cloudy, Chance Of Rain by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (4257 words)

9. Chapter Nine - Quo Vadis by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (5049 words)

10. Chapter Ten - Home For The Holidays by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (4996 words)

11. Chapter Eleven - Beyond Repair by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (5348 words)

12. Chapter Twelve - A River In Egypt by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (4702 words)

13. Chapter Thirteen - Damage Is Done by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (5929 words)

14. Chapter Fourteen - A Simple Twist Of Fate by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (5898 words)

15. Chapter Fifteen - It's All In Your Head by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (4265 words)

16. Chapter Sixteen - Secrets And Lies by John Ross [Reviews - 0] (4898 words)